Naknadni upis u CC (Curriculum C)/ Subsequent Admission CC (Curriculum C)



Učenik može naknadno u I i II razredu (IGCSE program) steći status učenika Gimnazije, Curriculum C ukoliko:

  • ima zapažen uspjeh u prethodnom obrazovanju,
  • ostvari minimalno 50% uspješnosti na testiranju iz Engleskog jezika – intervju,

Prvi razred: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes)

Drugi razred: Samples for English (exam time: 10-15 minutes)

  • ostvari minimalno 50% uspješnosti na testiranju iz Matematike.

Prvi razred: Sample for Mathematics (sample 1 and sample 2  - exam time: 1 hour)

Drugi razred: Sample for Mathematics (sample 1  and sample 2  - exam time: 1 hour)

Uz popunjen FORMULAR ZA NAKNADNI UPIS (formular br.4-e) u prvi i drugi razred obavezno priložiti ovjerene kopije sljedećih dokumenata:

  • izvod iz matične knjige rođenih,
  • svjedodžbu o prethodno završenom razredu,
  • uvjerenje škole iz koje prelazi o uspjehu postignutom u toku školske godine,
  • uvjerenje o državljanstvu.

Učenik je obavezan pristupiti razgovoru sa osobljem stručnih službi Gimnazije.

Odluku o naknadnom upisu redovnih učenika na prijedlog Komisije za naknadni upis, nakon provedenih testiranja i razgovora, donosi Nastavničko vijeće. Odluka se donosi na redovnoj sjedici u junu ili u augustu.


Termini za polaganje prijemnog ispita za naknadni upis

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da pristupe prijemnom ispitu za naknadni upis u Prvu bošnjačku gimnaziju, Curriculum C, prvi i drugi razred, u sljedećem terminu:

21. august 2024. (srijeda), 10:00h

26. august 2024. (ponedjeljak), 10:00h




Dodatni termini prijemnog ispita su mogući samo ako se ne upiše dovoljan broj učenika u objavljenim terminima.

Ako ste zainteresovani da pristupite prijemnom ispitu u jednom od dva ponuđena termina, javite se na Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli. u kojem ćete naznačiti Vaše puno ime, datum rođenja, nacionalnost i razred u koji se želite upisati.

Pored toga, mail mora sadržavati i Vaše kontakt podatke (broj telefona).                                                                                                       

Napomena: Na prijemni ispit donijeti popunjen formular uz prateću dokumentaciju.



Učenik može naknadno u III razredu (AS/A Level program) steći status učenika Gimnazije, Curriculum C, ukoliko:

  • ima zapažen uspjeh na kraju dvije prethodne školske godine,
  • ima odlične ili vrlo dobre ocjene iz predmeta koje će izučavati u izbornom području,
  • ima primjerno vladanje,
  • zadovolji kriterije uspješnosti na dodatnom testiranju prema sljedećim izbornim grupama:
  • Jezička izborna grupa:

LANGUAGE GROUP: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and German  (exam time: 10-15 minutes)

  • Društvena izborna grupa:

SOCIAL STUDIES GROUP: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and Social Studies Test (History, Geography, Sociology-sample 1  and sample 2 - exam time: 2 hours)

  • Prirodna izborna grupa:

SCIENCE GROUP: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and Science Test (Biology, Physics, Chemistry; sample 1  and sample 2  - exam time: 2 hrs)

  • Matematičko-informatička izborna grupa:

MATHEMATICS-IT GROUP: Samples for English (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and Mathematics-IT-Physics Test (sample 1  and sample 2 - exam time: 2 hrs)


Uz popunjen FORMULAR ZA NAKNADNI UPIS (formular br.3-1-e) u treći razred , obavezno priložiti ovjerene kopije sljedećih dokumenata:

  • izvod iz matične knjige rođenih,
  • svjedodžbu prvog i drugog razreda srednje škole,
  • uvjerenje o državljanstvu.

Učenik je obavezan pristupiti razgovoru sa osobljem stručnih službi Gimnazije.

Odluku o naknadnom upisu redovnih učenika na prijedlog Komisije za naknadni upis, nakon provedenih testiranja i razgovora, donosi Nastavničko vijeće. Odluka se donosi na redovnoj sjedici u junu ili u augustu.


Termini za polaganje prijemnog ispita za naknadni upis

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da pristupe prijemnom ispitu za upis u Prvu bošnjačku gimnaziju, Curriculum C, treći razred, u sljedećem terminu:

21. august 2024. (srijeda), 10:00h

26. august 2024. (ponedjeljak), 10:00h



Dodatni termini prijemnog ispita su mogući samo ako se ne upiše dovoljan broj učenika u objavljenim terminima.

Ako ste zainteresovani da pristupite prijemnom ispitu u jednom od dva ponuđena termina, javite se na Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli.  u kojem ćete naznačiti Vaše puno ime, datum rođenja, nacionalnost i razred u koji se želite upisati.

Pored toga, mail mora sadržavati i Vaše kontakt podatke (broj telefona).

Napomena: Na prijemni ispit donijeti popunjen formular uz prateću dokumentaciju.


A student can be admitted subsequently to Grade I and II (IGCSE programme), Curriculum C provided that:

  • he/she has achieved noted academic success during his/her previous education,
  • he/she achieves minimum 50% in English Language Entrance Exam – Interview,

Grade I: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes) 
Grade II: Samples for English   (exam time: 10-15 minutes)

  • he/she achieves minimum 50% in Mathematics Entrance Exam.

Grade I: Sample for Mathematics (sample 1  and sample 2  - exam time: 1 hour) 
Grade II: Sample for Mathematics (sample 1 and sample 2 - exam time: 1 hour)

Additionally to submitting an APPLICATION FOR SUBSEQUENT ADMISSION (form 4-e) to Grade I or grade II , students need to submit certified copies of the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate,
  • School Report Card for the previously completed grade,
  • Certificate by the transferring school listing the student's academic achievement during the school year when the transfer application is submitted,
  • Citizenship Certificate.

Students will be interviewed by the school specialist services staff. 

The Teachers' Council makes the Subsequent Admission Decision based on the proposals of the Subsequent Admission Committee, the entrance exams and interviews. The decision in made during the regular session of the Council in June or August. 

Entrance Exam Terms for subsequent admission 

We invite all potential applicants to take the subsequent admission entrance exams to the First Bosniak High School, Curriculum C, Grades I and II, on one of the following dates:

  • 21. august 2024. (srijeda), 10:00h
  • 26. august 2024. (ponedjeljak), 10:00h



A possibility for additional entrance exam sessions is viable only if we do not enrol a sufficient number of students on the above scheduled terms. 

If you are interested in taking an entrance exam on either of the two dates, let us know by sending an Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli. in which you should state your full name, date of birth, nationality, and the school year you are applying for (Grade I or Grade II). 

Your email should also include your contact information (phone number).

Note: Students need to bring a completed form with supporting documents when they come to take their entrance exam. 


A student can be admitted subsequently to Grade III (AS/A Level programme), Curriculum C provided that:

  • he/she has achieved noted academic success during his/her previous two years of high school education,
  • he/she has excellent or very good marks in subjects pertaining to his/her future elective course group,
  • he/she has exemplary conduct and behaviour,
  • he/she achieves the necessary requirements in additional testing in one of the following elective course groups:
  • LANGUAGE GROUP: Samples for English   (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and German (exam time: 10-15 minutes)
  • SOCIAL STUDIES GROUP: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and Social Studies Test (History, Geography, Sociology-sample 1   and sample 2 - exam time: 2 hours)
  • SCIENCE GROUP: Samples for English (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and Science Test (Biology, Physics, Chemistry; sample 1 and sample 2 - exam time: 2 hrs)
  • MATHEMATICS-IT GROUP: Samples for English  (exam time: 10-15 minutes) and Mathematics-IT-Physics Test (sample 1and sample 2 - exam time: 2 hrs)

Additionally to submitting an APPLICATION FOR SUBSEQUENT ADMISSION (form 3-1-e) to Grade III , students need to submit certified copies of the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate,
  • School Report Card for High School Grade I and Grade II (Freshmen and Sophomore years),
  • Citizenship Certificate.

Students will be interviewed by the school specialist services staff. 

The Teachers' Council makes the Subsequent Admission Decision based on the proposals of the Subsequent Admission Committee, the entrance exams and interviews. The decision in made during the regular session of the Council in June or August. 

Entrance Exam Terms for subsequent admission 

We invite all potential applicants to take the subsequent admission entrance exams to the First Bosniak High School, Curriculum C, Grade III, on one of the following dates:

  • 21. august 2024. (srijeda), 10:00h
  • 26. august 2024. (ponedjeljak), 10:00h



A possibility for additional entrance exam sessions is viable only if we do not enrol a sufficient number of students on the above scheduled terms. 

If you are interested in taking an entrance exam on either of the two dates, let us know by sending an Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli. in which you should state your full name, date of birth, nationality, and the school year you are applying for (Grade III). 

Your email should also include your contact information (phone number).

Note: Students need to bring a completed form with supporting documents when they come to take their entrance exam.